What We Do
RI Hiking Group Founded in 1969 – Over 50 Years & still going strong.
Yankee Trailers is a drop in hiking group for adults with no sign-up required. Come join us on a hike, summer picnic by the beach, holiday party, and our summer picnic. Hikes range from 3-5 miles across RI and occasionally eastern CT.
It seems the group was formed to fulfill the need for regular local hikes. It was started by Jackie Collimore, a member to this day. The early years saw much use of the AMC Cardigan Lodge in Bristol, NH. Some of the early members are still members to this day. They include Sue Sewell, Ann and Earle Perkins, and Martha Cruciani. We were fortunate to have had Vin Gormley, Ed Stuart, Henry Cruciani, and Charlie Hickox for which several popular trails were named. The club has united several in marriages and one hike even included a marriage.
Through the years the concept of weekly Sunday hikes has been keep alive by the efforts of hike coordinators like the Bradleys, Vince, Colby, Claire Guillimette, Fran Scullin, Sally Hanson, Mary Beth Smith, Barbara Sullivan, and others.
More to the story ... Jackie sent me a letter 12/16 noting that she finds too hard to believe that a hike with 6 people in March 1969 created such a lasting organization. She no longer walks in the woods but maintains sites in the New Haven CT area. She lost her husband Charlie in 2015, but she had a happy marriage hiking, canoeing, and x-crossing skiing, and wishes us all well. (*by Ed Blamires, 1/1/17).